Little something for the late bloomers.

Have a new year’s resolution ? well,I don’t have one.

If you are someone like me who waived at New Year without a resolution, it’s absolutely fine. No need for that guilt trip. What matters most is living with awareness and attention to daily life events .Invest your time and emotions in anything that you feel happy without a reason and play it by the ear.

Happy 2019.Photo Courtesy: Pexels

My reflections lead me to the awareness that there is a lot of happiness attached when you do things at your own pace even if that means a snail’s pace, even if that means taking the judgments of the whole world on you. Your trail is worth a million attempts and your emotions matters just because it matters to you irrespective of what the world thinks of it.

We have these most-loved resolutions like  lose weight, gain weight, reduce temper tantrums, change the job, learn to cook, hit the gym, go paragliding ,take life lightly, earn more money, diversify assets, call family and friends, a long list of forgotten  resolutions that chase us towards the last day of december leaving us feeling guilty of not attempting it.

As a professional, I am used to doing SWOT analysis of every situation, making SMART goals and converting it to milestones of scorecards. When I ponder over my goal setting style and discussed with the generation of 30- 40 somethings most of us felt that we were in active pursuits of unhappiness, chasing short term goals.

One day you find a dog relentlessly chasing you and to escape from that dog, you start climbing a tree and tremble upon success by reaching the top of the tree. Your only intent was to get away from a barking dog. Most of our resolutions and subsequent achievements are unfortunately driven by panic.

If you still can’t feel that soul-filling contentment even after achieving a resolution, does it mean that you never wanted it to begin with?

A rush hour life is a totally mal nourished life. Living in awareness to your innermost potentials and investing your attention in that direction can be a nice way for the 40 somethings to get rid of lifestyle diseases that may get life threatening; reducing the quality of life of our later years. Remember the metaphor of the slow and steady tortoise that wins the race against the fast and furious rabbit. In real life too tortoise wins by living for more than 100 years and the rabbit a max 7 years. Let’s live with awareness and in abundance without constantly panicking over what our peers are doing.


I want to give myself some lazy hours over a simmering cup of tea from the plantations feeling the mist and the sight of its endless green cover pondering over the second innings of life and the worthiness of its pursuits.

Second Innings, in my outlook, is a moment in life where you allow yourself to be second or third or fourth and even don’t mind being the last guy in the queue without making a fuss about it. You gladly give way to others. Generally, this phase does not bless us in our 20’s and 30’s and for some people even at a ripe old age of 90’s. This beautiful phase or mindset can hit you at any stage in life and generally when you reach 40 something or 50 something years. Your heart may open up to this awareness during life events when you hit the rock bottom of life where you lose everything you hold dear and survive with the strength of the small little voice in you that doesn’t give up. It doesn’t mean that you need to go through traumatic life events for that second innings moment. It can also emerge when you are at your current best, being aware of your inner self, aware of the memories stored in the cells, paying attention to the present moment and non -reactive when things do not happen as per your business plans or bucket lists.

Fresh as a flower blossom

Let’s breathe deep and bring in a lot of freshness and reflections in our perspectives.

Let’s bring in 2019.